Tuesday, June 15, 2010
New This Week
I have new piece up at BlackBook on a talk I had recently with Emily Gould at Five Leaves in Greenpoint where we discussed her new memoir, women and agency, and Tumblr, among other things. She also gives a cheat-sheet of her favorite spots in Greenpoint.
I also attended the Webby Awards on Monday night, of which I wrote a short party report. In his introduction, BJ Novak thanked sponsors by placing their logos in composite photographs with those from Selleck Waterfall Sandwich (see image above), which won a Webby for "Weird" new site.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Week in Review
This week, the FSG Reading Series returned Tuesday night, with Lydia Davis and David Means. Thursday night, Wells Tower won the Young Lion award at the ceremony at the New York Public Library. Also, this week was Internet Week. Over at the Metropolitan Pavilion the Makerbot was printing plastics and the smallest URL in existence (e.co) was sold at auction.
Continuing this week, and for the foreseeable future, Tao Lin (still!) answers questions posted in the comments section of an interview I did with him that was re-posted last week.
Next week, Webby Awards?
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Dear Tao, Are You Happy?
In September 2009, I did an interview with Tao Lin that was published on The Rumpus. It was a long interview and Tao answered the questions with great detail and thought. The interview was reposted a couple of days ago on The Rumpus and Tao offered readers a small window of time in which to ask him anything they wanted and he would respond. And he did. Here are some of the questions people asked that I liked in particular, either because they were curious or made assumptions unwittingly. All of Tao's answers are honest. See the site for the answers (except the last one where I show Tao's answer)...
“What was the closest that you’ve ever come to committing suicide? i.e – standing on the edge of a ledge, holding shotty in your mouth with toe on the trigger”
“Do you ever feel like you have noticed a ‘tipping point’ in friendships with other people where their accomplishments originally overshadow yours, and then after time your accomplishments begin to be ‘on par’ with them, and then surpass them?”
“What sexual technique has received the best response from partners?”
“How much do you like radiohead?”
“what is your favorite plant? (those that are generally not used for eating purposes)”
“Are you CARLES?????????”
Tao: carles is carles